This is a plugin to show ‘RSS Viewer’ using short-code, you can show RSS Feed on frontend page. You can add multiple feeds in backend and manage in list form for feature use, you can seen in rss feeds list showing short-code as well.

EZY RSS Feeds - IndexPage-1

EZY RSS Feeds - FeaturesPage-1


  • Select Users who have access to this plugin.
  • You can use RSS Shortcode on frontend page.
  • You can make good style using settings.
  • Can add text advert and hyperlink as well.
  • You can add multiple RSS Advert in list form and show random with rss feeds.
  • You can set image position as well
  • Can set header , content and footer text styling as well.

EZY RSS Feeds - Feed List pagePage-2

The RSS Feed List page

You are able to select and delete any records also you can edit record and search by input field. You can add RSS feed and show in list from and you can use RSS-Shortcode in frontend page.  
ID We are show ID of rss feed record
Title Here we are show rss feed title
Source We can put source link here
Group We can put group link here
Shortcode In this column we are show short-code of feed

EZY RSS Feeds - RSS Advert List pagePage-3

The RSS Advert List page

You are able to select and delete any records also you can edit record and search by input field. You can add RSS Advert and show in list from and you can use it in rss feed view in random form.
Title RSS Advert title here
Author Here we are show user name who is added it
Date here we are show date in wordpress format, you can change date format from wordpress setting
Link When click on Advert title on frontend , will redirect page here

EZY RSS Feeds - Add & EditPage-4

Add & Edit RSS Feeds

You can add title and feed link here.

Reload Feeds

After fill all above information you can click on Reload Feeds and after it we will fetch all feeds from feed link which you insert above.

EZY RSS Feeds - Enable & DisablePage-5

Enable & Disable

You can seen here we are show list of feed with ‘enable’ and ‘disable’ button , means you can manage hide/show every feed record on frontend. Here you can seen how to show feed list on frontend page and after all fill data you can click on update button and save feed page.  

EZY RSS Feeds - SettingsPage-6

You are able to select which users are able to access the Plugin

The plugin will work even though the user will not be able to access it for security reasons

EZY RSS Feeds - Number of recordsPage-7

Number of records

You can set number of records show in list form and also can set gap between each feed. You can manage open link in same tab or new tab using this checkbox

default value for Advert

Here we have some default value for Advert and its link , we can set default setting from here

EZY RSS Feeds - Image positionPage-8

Image position

You can set image position from here for feed lists

EZY RSS Feeds - Font And Colors SettingsPage-9

Font And Colors Settings

Set the Colors and font styles for RSS and Social feeds You can set head, content and footer text styling from here

Source Group

You can add source and group here in link form.

Box Height

You can add feed box heighr from here , can set height for every feeds.